Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh my goodness, I can't believe a year is almost finished!  This past month i have been clinging to my baby whenever he lets me.  Tonight, for the first time, he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back.  Just like i was doing at that very moment trying to put him to sleep.  Just like i do every night after he finishes his bottle.  I pat his back to get that one little bubble that is always waiting.  He puts his forehead to mine and gibber gabbers his little stories.  I have other things i could be doing, and i know if i lay him down right now he'll go to sleep.  But i wait and savour our little quiet time.  He is so busy right now that when he wants cuddle time, i drop everything.  I sit here trying to remember just a few short months ago, when he was always content to cuddle with his mama.  He was so little, he was our perfection.

People told me to enjoy every stage, because time goes by so quickly.  I think i did enjoy every moment.  As this first year comes to a close, i think of how much he is going to change in his next year.  He won't be my baby anymore, but still as he is getting more and more independent he still looks to his mama for my smile and nod. 

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