Thursday, May 19, 2011

watching my garden grow.....once i plant it....hopefully

What a beautiful day outside!  Maybe today is the day to buy some seeds for my garden?  My first ever garden....hmmm never done this before.  But i have flowers growing back there!  Of course Chris says he hates dandelions but hey they're growing!!  The lady we bought the house from was an avid gardener, who the rest of the neighbourhood looked to for guidance. . . well all their gardens are planted and mine is still empty lol.  My huge garden, the entire size of our backyard, save for a small strip of grass, well we might need to throw some sod on it.  But I told Chris I would like ONE season to attempt a garden, then he can plant his grass.  Hey no one had faith when I started cloth diapers and we are in month 3!  Speaking of cloth, i have a clothesline in my backyard!  What a nice feature!  Why the previous owner thought she needed 2 foot diameter posts to hold up her clothesline...not sure what she was drying?  But anyways I need to make a list: things I'll need to plant my garden to keep it alive.  This might be more frustrating then golf....nope nothing is more frustrating then golf.  I need to go measure my backyar...i mean garden, while Reid is having his morning nap :)

note to self:  I need to start taking more pictures....Reid is smiling on a regular basis and i need to have some evidence of it.  He still won't sit in his bumbo chair and I'm starting to get paranoid over it, but no time for that....time to get paranoid over my garden!

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